BESAFE case studies: Analysis on effectiveness 20.10.2014 |
A recent BESAFE report provides a synthesis of the analysis of the BESAFE case studies. Using a case study approach, BESAFE analyses the effectiveness of arguments for biodiversity conservation empirically by observing arguments at different policy stages, at different governance levels and among different stakeholder groups.
The project also considers potential effectiveness, drawing on evaluations about the effectiveness of arguments and by studying the consistency of arguments. The report presents the theoretical approach of the studies undertaken within BESAFE, the methodologies applied and a synthesis of the case study findings.
Each case study has found distinct ways in which arguments are used and generate effects in a policy process. A synthesis across such a diversity of settings and findings can generalise only to a limited degree. With this constraint in mind, the report provides lessons and generalisations that rest on the evidence produced by the 13 project case studies together.
Read more about the research and key findings in the D2.3 Final report synthesizing the analysis on effectiveness in case studies, available in the project’s Online library: http://bit.ly/1wjLnHk
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