BESAFE will undertake a number of case studies covering all three major governance scales (global to European, national to regional, and local, as well as their interactions) and sample the ecological, societal and economic differences, as well as different ecosystems, different issues, as possible within time and resource constraints. BESAFE will involve case studies looking for an appropriate coverage of member states and different geographical regions and ecosystems as well as, covering different time scales (months to years, and years to decades), a wide range of stakeholder groups, and different issues areas related to biodiversity protection.
BESAFE will increase comprehension on the dependency of the effectiveness of arguments on: a) the perception of the policy makers and stakeholders addressed (who), b) the policy implementation phase (when), and c) communication and participation (how). BESAFE will offer a generally available framework and a toolbox that can be used to guide the development of tailored policies that take multi-scale effects and integration into account, through the whole policy cycle. It will offer insight on the changing effectiveness of different types of arguments along the development trajectory and, therefore, increase the effectiveness of the use of arguments for protection. BESAFE will offer an overview of the potential effectiveness and possibilities of ecosystem services at different spatial and time scales.
The project will produce knowledge on the interactions of policies and measures across scales, the ‘translation’ and ‘filtering’ of arguments and values from one scale to the other and from one policy phase to the next one and the influence of ecological, societal and economic context on these mechanisms. In this sense BESAFE not only will integrate different science disciplines, but also will bridge science and policy from a transdisciplinary point of view, which represents the overall coordination of science, education and innovation. This will greatly improve the knowledge on transferability and scalability of the values attributed to different aspects and benefits of biodiversity which potentially has a huge impact on effective biodiversity policy making.
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