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WP1 Building a framework of arguments for the value of biodiversity

Coordinators: Rosie Hails (CEH-NERC) and Leon Braat (Alterra)



The overall aim of WP 1 is to:

  • review existing arguments for action to prevent loss of (and restore) biodiversity.
  • build and ‘road test’ a provisional framework to test the effectiveness of these arguments in a range of case studies in WP 2.

Description of work

Task 1.1: Reviewing the spectrum of arguments for the value of biodiversity used in discourses and policy to protect biodiversity

A literature review will be carried out to identify the spectrum of arguments used in the development of policy to protect biodiversity. The review will encompass published articles in the natural and social science journals, stakeholder responses to policy consultations, publications of advocacy groups and business associations, explanatory text of policy instruments, and independent reviews of policy instruments. Additionally, interviews with selected stakeholders will provide a broad sample of “modern” thinking / feeling about perceptions of nature, biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Task 1.2: Building a provisional framework to classify the arguments reviewed

The results of the review will be used to establish which factors will be appropriate and suitable to include in the framework in the ‘Selection and Exchange’ workshop jointly organised with WP2. At this workshop a shared day with the BIOMOT project will be organised where the frameworks of both projects will be aligned as much as possible. NERC-CEH and Alterra will then produce a draft classification. This classification will also map out how arguments are linked together in different contexts. It will then be used to design a provisional framework for testing and analysis of different arguments. This framework will show the inter-relationships between the arguments identified and how they relate to other societal contexts and goals. The framework will also show how the arguments might operate at different governance levels and spatial scales, and compute simple statistics that might indicate how the success of different arguments may be measured. The provisional framework will also reflect the possibility that particular combinations of arguments for the protection of biodiversity could work together more effectively than if put forward individually. The framework will be reviewed and finalised at the ‘Case study methods and protocols’ workshop.


Task 1.3: ‘Road testing’ and revision of this framework for use in WP2

Project Partners will test the provisional framework, including the provisional criteria for the effectiveness of different arguments for conserving biodiversity, using a series of coordinated stakeholder consultations. The aim will be to assess the validity of the framework for subsequent use in WP2. This task will also provide a preliminary assessment of different arguments, and combinations of arguments. NERC-CEH and Alterra will conduct consultations with national and international policy makers. For engagement with policy makers, the connections available through existing science policy initiatives will be used to identify the most relevant consultees and establish links. These initiatives will include the BESAFE ‘associates’, KNEU (Knowledge Network for European expertise), SPIRAL (Science-Policy Interfaces for Biodiversity: Research, Action and Learning, www.spiral-project.eu) and the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS). NERC-CEH and Alterra will provide guidance to the other partners to undertake local consultations to ensure that a wide range of consultees is included. Consultees will include national and regional ecological societies, professional bodies, advocacy groups, expert panels and business initiatives promoting biodiversity. External organisations involved in the case studies will also be included in the consultation. Information arising from the consultation process will be entered in the on-line database designed for Task 1.1. NERC-CEH and Alterra will revise the provisional framework based on the results from the consultations and an interim framework will be produced to guide case study development during WP2. The framework will be revised in the final year of the Project in WP5, based on lessons learned from the case studies.

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