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WP 4 Relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and values

Coordinators: Paula Harrison (UOZ.AF) and Mette Termansen (NERI)



The overall aim of WP 4 is to:

  • consolidate existing research on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services;
  • assess the implications of these relationships for the valuation of ecosystem services;
  • evaluate how different stakeholder groups perceive the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and values in different contexts, and how these perceptions are affected by uncertainties in scientific knowledge.

Description of work

Task 4.1: Review and consolidate existing research on the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and values

Existing methods for evaluating the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services and the implications for the valuation of biodiversity will be reviewed and their relevance for the BESAFE case studies assessed. These will include approaches which aim to determine the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem service delivery, such as the identification of Ecosystem Service Providers, Service Providing Units and functional traits which can be linked to service provision. Furthermore, the project will review methodological approaches relevant for the valuation of different types of ecosystem services. Existing evidence will be collated and integrated from published and on-going projects (including EU-funded projects), the literature, databases and scientific experts. The review will not repeat existing work already undertaken within activities such as TEEB and the FP6 RUBICODE project, but will complement and supplement this work by focussing on new evidence and areas that have not been covered well so far, such as non-monetary valuation. A typology of biodiversity – ecosystem service relationships will be created to structure existing evidence. This task will inform all other WP tasks providing essential background on the current state of existing knowledge and key knowledge gaps.


Task 4.2: Development of criteria for the selection of cases in WP2 to ensure they contribute knowledge relevant to the research objectives for WP4 and methodological guidelines for collecting and analysing evidence from the case studies

Criteria for the final selection of case studies will be formulated to ensure they are appropriate for answering the WP research questions on how different stakeholder groups perceive the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services, how scientific knowledge (and its associated uncertainty) affects this perception, how this affects the way in which arguments are constructed and the resulting decisions for the conservation of biodiversity. This will include cases which will help to elucidate how strategies based on intrinsic value and ecosystem services may coexist in the real world. Information from the review in Task 4.1 will be used to develop a set of methodological guidelines for case study leaders on how to contribute new evidence on quantifying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services and the implications of this for valuation. This will include application of the Q methodology in a small sub-set of case studies to explore patterns in stakeholders attitudes and awareness. The case study criteria and methodological guidelines, including a data collection protocol, will feed into the overall case study methodology being developed in WP2.


Task 4.3: Supervise the gathering of WP4 data with WP2 and analysis of data in cooperation with WPs 2 and 3, concentrating on the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem services and values

Each case study leader will implement the methodological guidelines within the BESAFE case studies in terms of collating and analysing relevant social, economic and ecological data on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services, and implications for the perception of the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services across relevant spatial and temporal scales. WP4 will assist WP2 in coordinating this work to ensure consistency in approach and comparability of results. The dataset collected across case studies will be analysed using the methods identified in Task 4.2. At the first stakeholder workshop WS1, WP4 will present first results and consult stakeholders on analysis and presentation. Feedback will be used to adapt methodology and protocols when necessary so possible data gaps can be mended. The results of the case study work will be presented in the second stakeholder workshop WS2.

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