Deep case studies
BESAFE carries out 12 single case studies addressing different issues areas related to biodiversity protection. This set of deep case studies covers different member states and geographical regions as well as various governance scales, stakeholder groups and their interaction. Overall, the case studies comprehensively explore the argumentation processes in the biodiversity-related policy making and provide knowledge on the transferability of arguments between the major governance levels.
Comparative case studies
Apart from the twelve deep case studies, BESAFE partners will conduct two comparative studies. The main idea behind these studies is to be able to compare different EU Member States with respect to particular WP 3 and WP 4 research questions. Comparative study “EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 – national implementation” thus addresses the main questions of WP 3, while the study “Perceptions of biodiversity, ecosystem services and values at the national level” is concerned with WP 4 inquiry.
Department of Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs Biodiversity Action Plan; UK
This case study will assess how argumentation for biodiversity has evolved during the implementation period for the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (1994). The study will also look forward to a new round of strategies for biodiversity at the UK, provincial and local level, which started in 2011.
Brief description of the policy problem
The need to adequately protect biodiversity (as defined in CBD) in both protected areas and in the wider landscape / seascape. The policy problem is one of ensuring appropriate levels of local and provincial action to ensure that national strategies and international obligations are met.
United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland)
Governance level(s) involved
UK (HM Government), devolved government (Welsh, Scottish, Northern Ireland), local government (county, district, city).
Stages in the policy cycle
End (The UK BAP was superseded in 2012)
Beginning (new Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework published in 2012) with provincial strategies now being produced (England Strategy 2011, Scottish strategy update due 2013, Wales Green Paper 2012, Northern Ireland strategy in development).
Main stakeholders involved
Defra (Ministry of Environment), Environment Directorates of devolved government, local government, local conservation charities, national conservation charities.
Partner responsible
NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Contact person
Bruce Howard (brwa [at]